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Freemen’s Common recycling site to reopen

Recycling centre

THE second of Leicester’s two recycling centres will reopen to the public next week as part of wider plans to gradually and safely ease lockdown restrictions.

It is part of the latest phase of recovery work that will see more of the city reopen to the public with safety measures in place, in response to government policy.

The city council-run site at Freemen’s Common will open its doors from Monday 15 June, from 8am and will close at 8pm. Last entry on site may be earlier than this and will be determined by how busy the centre is.

Gypsum Close recycling centre has been open to the public since Wednesday 20 May.

Freemen’s Common could not be reopened sooner due to difficulties with the confined nature of the site.

This means access will be via Counting House Road only where there is limited capacity for vehicles queueing. This will be managed by on site traffic marshals and people should be prepared to be turned away at busy times.

On-site social distancing measures will be in place and this will limit the number of vehicles that can enter the site at any one time. This may cause delays.

The site will also need to close for short periods throughout the day while waste and recycling containers are moved.

No vans, large trailers or pickups are allowed to use Freemen’s Common, and must continue to use Gypsum Close only.

Unlike Gypsum Close, people can dispose of chemicals at Freemen’s Common, and cement-bonded asbestos will be accepted but this must be arranged in advance.

Residents are being encouraged to continue storing waste at home if it is safe to do so, and to expect delays at recycling sites.

Deputy City Mayor Cllr Adam Clarke, who leads on environment and transportation, said: “The reopening of Freemen’s Common waste and recycling centre is a positive step forward but clearly it is still not yet a case of business as usual.

“People should continue to only visit recycling centres if absolutely necessary. Please continue to use the kerbside waste and recycling services or, if possible, safely store any items you would normally take to recycling centres.

“Staff on site at Freemen’s Common will be working hard to ensure social distancing is maintained, staying at least two metres away from visitors. They will also be managing the very limited capacity for vehicles to queue at the site. I’d ask people to be realistic, and practical when they attend and be mindful that they may need to be turned away at particularly busy times.”

For the latest information on all waste and recycling services in Leicester,