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Still time for eligible families to register for holiday food programme


CHILDREN in Leicester who normally have a free school meal won’t miss out over the Easter break, thanks to a holiday food programme co-ordinated by the city council.

Eligible families simply have to register for the scheme online and select the participating project closest to them, before picking up their food parcels.

As well as food for five meals for one child, the parcels also contain ideas for activities – designed to help children keep active over the holiday – together with pens and paper for creative indoor fun.

Funded by the Department for Education and delivered by a number of voluntary sector organisations in Leicester, the Holiday Activities & Food Programme provides welcome additional support to families on low incomes in Leicester.

Eligible families have already received a £25 voucher to help with food costs for their child during the school holidays, funded by the COVID Winter Grant Scheme.

Assistant city mayor for education Cllr Elly Cutkelvin said: “Almost 14,000 children and young people in Leicester are eligible for free school meals and it’s really important that they don’t miss out on a meal when the schools are closed.

“This scheme will make sure they get something to eat, but they’ll also get a free activity pack which will help keep them occupied over the holidays.

“I’d like to thank all our partners from the voluntary sector who are running the scheme in neighbourhoods around the city. Their efforts are helping us ensure that no child goes hungry in Leicester this Easter.”

More information about the scheme can be found at

The 13 participating food providers are listed by postcode, so families can easily find the location closest to them.

Anyone who thinks their child might be eligible for free school meals can find out more here