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Tenants move in to new workspace at Pioneer Park

Published on Wednesday, March 10, 2021

2 minute read

The new extension to Dock

A NEW hub for business at Leicester’s Pioneer Park is now open and welcoming its first tenants.

Work started on the £5m scheme last May, and now developers Brackley Property Developments – working with the city council – have completed the three-storey building next to the existing managed workspace at Dock.

Offering light industrial workspace and office accommodation in 16 individual units, ranging in size from 800-1,800sqft, the scheme will provide grow-on space for Dock-based businesses that are ready to expand, as well as space for new businesses looking to join Dock’s thriving entrepreneurial community.

Seven businesses have already secured their space at Dock’s new extension, with IT consultancy Employee Zero one of the first tenants to move in.

Director James Martin said: “We’re really excited to be moving into the new building.

“It’s come at a time of significant growth for us and the space will help facilitate our next phase of expansion. We’ve been part of the Dock family of companies since 2015 and couldn’t be happier with the space and the service.”

The new building – which complements the look and feel of the original Dock – is now part of the Dock campus and is the latest workspace scheme to be developed and managed by the city council.

City Mayor Peter Soulsby said: “Dock 2 joins the LCB Depot, Makers’ Yard, Phoenix Square Workspace, the Leicester Business Centre and the original Dock in our growing portfolio of flexible workspaces that are supporting local businesses and jobs in key sectors.

“These new managed workspaces will help us to develop Pioneer Park as a hub for technology and knowledge-based industries, improving the city’s economic prosperity, supporting enterprise and creating jobs.

“With 50% of the new space already pre-let, it shows there’s strong demand for this type of accommodation.”

Businesses based in the new building will benefit from Dock’s full range of facilities including reception services, meeting and conference facilities, fast IT and access to networks and events. Given the site’s location within the city’s Enterprise Zone, generous business rates benefits will also apply.

The Pioneer Park Dock extension is supported by a £2.614m allocation from the Local Growth Fund – a pot of government funding awarded to the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership Ltd (LLEP) for projects that benefit the local area and economy – with the remaining funding provided by the city council.

Chair of the LLEP Board of Directors Kevin Harris said: “Leicester’s Pioneer Park is fast becoming a thriving community of innovative businesses.

“This exciting new development will build on the success of Dock in providing modern, flexible workspaces for businesses looking to invest or expand.

“I’m proud that the LLEP was able to support the Dock expansion through our Local Growth Fund, as we look to create an environment for more investment in the local economy of Leicester and Leicestershire.”

Pioneer Park is located within the Loughborough and Leicester Science and Innovation Enterprise Zone. 

Any businesses interested in discussing workspace availability at the Dock extension should contact Luke Pulford at or on 0116 225 7900.