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City council creates new residents-only parking spaces on busy estate

Published on Thursday, October 10, 2024

4 minute read

Ward councillors, housing staff and local people cut a ribbon at the new Jupiter Close parking spaces site

NEW parking spaces for residents have been created in the St Peters area of the city.

Leicester City Council has demolished outdated garages outside flats on Jupiter Close and Pluto Close to create the new spaces.

The work has seen 32 garages demolished at Jupiter Close, creating 30 new spaces and more than doubling the number of parking spaces available there, expanding the total number to 64. At Pluto Close, 23 garages have been demolished, creating 21 completely new parking spaces.

All of the spaces will now be made available for residents only.

The scheme has been funded by £300,000 from the city council’s public realm improvements fund for the Wycliffe ward, which covers the St Matthews and St Peters estates.

A total of 270 parking spaces are now available for use by residents, with 445 residents’ parking permits issued so far. An additional 329 parking spaces are now available on nearby streets, for anyone to park in.

Jupiter Close is now the largest parking site on the St Peters estate.

Demolition of garages at Jupiter Close

Demolition of garages at Jupiter Close

New parking spaces at Jupiter Close

New parking spaces at Jupiter Close

Cllr Elly Cutkelvin, deputy city mayor for housing, economy and neighbourhoods, said: “We know that many vehicles from neighbouring businesses were using parking spaces on the estate in the past. Because of its proximity to Leicester city centre, there was also a problem with commuters parking here.

“These new residents’ parking spaces will stop that, significantly improving things for people who live here. It means non-residents and commuters can no longer take up their parking spaces, while customers and visitors to nearby businesses can use the on-street spaces.”

Ward councillors Hanif Aqbany and Mohammed Dawood have been closely involved in the scheme. Cllr Aqbany said: “We have now officially opened the extra parking at Jupiter Close with a really good celebration event and ribbon-cutting. But even before this, we were seeing that residents were already benefitting from the extra dedicated spaces we have created elsewhere on the estate. It’s a scheme that is having a really positive impact.”

Cllr Dawood added: “Residents on the estate have told us they are very happy with the scheme, which is great to hear. We are really pleased to be able to deliver these much-needed, updated parking facilities that will benefit residents and families living in the area.”

One resident, from Taurus Close, said: “I am so pleased with the parking now – I don’t have to worry when I come home late at night. Previously, I had to park off Melbourne Road at one in the morning and walk to my house – now I can find parking when I come home.”

Another, Mr Dassu, from Jupiter Close, said: “It is absolutely great, lovely! Residents were struggling to find parking spaces - but now it is better, I can park outside my home every day.”

The scheme complements a £1.2m project completed last year at nearby Ottawa Road on the St Matthews estate, that involved removing old brick garages and bin stores and replacing them with new parking bays, new street lighting and railings.

A £5million, three-year programme of improvements in St Matthews and St Peters will complete this year, after a commitment by City Mayor Peter Soulsby back in 2019 to invest in the two estates. Improvements have included installing more parking bays and electrical charging points; cleaning up courtyards and green spaces, and revamping the play area on Lethbridge Close in St Matthews and the central green space in St Peters.